Creating the perfect patio! Seminar this Thursday May 28, 2015

Creating the perfect patio! Seminar this Thursday May 28, 2015


Winter is over and patio season has arrived! And with our beautiful new sidewalks along Cedar Avenue comes the opportunity for a little al fresco dining, giving us even more time outdoors. And not only can outside dining make for a more pleasurable experience for customers, it can also increase your sales! 

But a customer’s outdoor experience doesn’t have to be just about dining. There’s also the city’s new parklet program creating some beautiful green space along the street, and Minneapolis’ Clean City program ensuring a beautiful AND tidy outdoor experience. 


Join us this Thursday May 28th, 2:00pm at the Southern Theater as we learn more about the City of Minneapolis’ Sidewalk Café program, the Parklet Pilot Program, and the Clean City initiative. We’ll go over the cost of licensing and the benefits patios and parklets can bring to restaurant and retail businesses.


Cost: Free!

Thursday May 28th, 2:00pm

Southern Theater

1420 Washington Avenue South #2

Minneapolis MN 55454

(Cedar on Cedar photo used courtesy of Robin Garwood. Parcels photo by Paul Mogush, used courtesy of the City of Minneapolis – Minneapolis pilot parklet at Juxtaposition Arts.)


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