
Do you value the unique character of the West Bank?

Are you interested in making the business district a thriving destination?

Show your commitment to making the West Bank strong by joining the West Bank Business Association! The West Bank Business Association is an independent non-profit organization that supports local businesses and organizations in order to improve and maintain the economic stability of the neighborhood. We organize the West Bank Crash Course, administer Facade Improvement Grants, market the neighborhood, provide technical assistance, and keep you informed about construction, ordinances, and other business-related issues.

2020 Membership Amounts
Membership dues are annual and provide a valuable return to you and the business community of the West Bank. We strive to provide excellent value for your dues. Our organization works best if all types and sizes of businesses and organizations actively participate.

  • Individual / Resident supporter … $25
  • Boutiques / Kiosks (< 50 sq footprint) … $35
  • Arts Organizations and Non-profits …$125
  • Start-up Businesses, 1-2 Full-Time Employees … $125
  • 3-6 Full-Time Employees … $150
  • 7-75 Full-Time Employees … $225
  • 76+ Full-Time Employees … $500

Don’t let the membership amounts above keep you from being a part of the business community. If membership cost is a serious concern, contact the WBBA and we will make sure any organization that wants to participate will be included. Participation is our #1 goal!

Is the cost of membership a concern for you or your business at this time? Apply for a sponsored (free!) membership by answering a few questions about your business here: google form.

Additional Membership Benefits:

  • A “member feature” profile on West Bank website (
  • Discounts on sponsorship for area events and programs
  • An image/logo in the West Bank Directory
  • Discounts on services, classes and workshops
  • and more!

Renew your Membership today!

2020 WBBA Membership –