August Member Meeting next week!


Just a reminder that we have our monthly member meeting coming up next week. We’ve got a great meeting planned, with festival announcements and information from the Safety Center on festival/event safety and West Bank crime updates. I hope that you’ll join us!

West Bank Business Association – Monthly Member meeting

4:00pm Thursday August 16, 2012
***At the NEW Safety Center!!!


Call to order

I. Welcome/Introductions (10 mins)

II. Business (10 mins)
– Approve July minutes

III. Updates (5-10 mins)
– Fall Cleanup
– Updates from Alatus

IV. Event Updates (5 mins)
– West Bank Music Festival Update

V. Safety (20 mins)
With great appreciation for our new Safety Center and in anticipation of upcoming festivals and activity, we’ll talk in August about things businesses (and guest vendors!) can be doing to keep your workers and customers more safe. This meeting will also feature an updated report on crime on the West Bank and information about how individual businesses can be more involved with the Safety Committee.

Please note: August’s meeting will be held in the West Bank / Cedar Riverside Safety Center at Riverside Plaza: 1601 S 4th Street, Suite 101, Minneapolis, MN 55454.

Because of the construction near the plaza, a good way to enter is through the back door. Look for directional signage to the left of Southeast Asia Kitchen. (406 Cedar Ave)

5pm – Adjourn
(Networking following meeting.)

Next Meeting
4:00pm Thursday September 20, 2012

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