Dirty Sidewalks = Fewer Customers. Take the shiny sidewalks pledge!

Join your fellow West Bank Businesses as we make Cedar Ave cleaner and greener.

What You Can Do:

  • Sweep your sidewalk daily, and pressure-wash spills so they don’t set in the concrete.
  • Remove graffiti within 24 hours. We can supply you with graffiti wipes for free!
  • Adopt a trash can and ash receptacle from the city of Minneapolis. These sturdy containers are FREE to you if you take care of the removal yourself!
  • Take the Shiny Sidewalks and Storefronts” pledge! Our goal is to collect pledges from 25 businesses this year that promise to keep their sidewalks and storefronts clean all summer long. You can take the pledge here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetlLdXKUxXgDB8TIVXpXO_NwOVZIK2fbQadKpIcUK_cfhZmw/viewform?usp=sf_link
  • Join us on a clean-up! Events are posted on Facebook and on this site.
  • Take advantage of a Facade Grant to improve or update broken windows, signage, or chipping paint. The City of Minneapolis will match 50% of your update – up to $5,000! More info can be found here: http://www.wbba.thewestbank.org/?page_id=755

What We’re Doing:

  • Cleaning!: We organize clean-ups twice every non-winter month that focus on the main avenues. Each year we clean up hundreds of bags of trash, remove several hundred counts of graffiti, and tens of thousands of cigarette butts.
  • Beautifying assets: This year, we’re working with kids at Cedar Riverside Community School to decorate the trash cans, utility boxes, and a paint-the-pavement program that will highlight Cedar Ave.

Winter Rules:

  • Minneapolis Code of Ordinances Chapter 445.40 requires every licensed business for which a curb cut or driveway over a public street or boulevard or other public way is required, to keep and maintain the driveway leading into the business, and the public sidewalk immediately adjoining the business, free and clear of all snow, ice and other debris.
  • This doesn’t just mean fines – the city can use non-compliance and repeated offenses as grounds to revoke businesses licenses and permits! Please keep your business sidewalks accessible. And if you need help or want referrals for services, let us know.


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