Happy Thanksgiving! Some news and updates…

Hello members,

A few quick updates for you before the holiday.

West Bank Loyalty Card

The Loyalty Card program is now in full swing! We’ve distributed over 2,000 brochures and are running weekly specials and events for our awesome West Bank businesses. You can find out more information about the program and a list of locations that are hosting directories so far here: http://www.thewestbank.org/the-west-bank-loyalty-card-program/

Would you like to offer a deal, highlight an event, give a gift certificate as a prize or host a directory stand? Contact us at info@thewestbank.org or 612-326-9652.

Save the Date!

Our annual member holiday party will be December 19th, 4:00pm at the newly renovated Courtyard Minneapolis Downtown (1500 Washington Ave S.) Please join us for refreshments and celebration, commemorating accomplishments in 2013 and ringing in what will hopefully be a fun and productive 2014!

Event is free for current members, a suggested donation of $10 for non-members is much appreciated.

Report on Proposed Development

Cadillac Kolstad, WBBA Board member, asked us to send out his report on a proposed development on the West Bank. http://www.wbba.thewestbank.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/HistoryRepeated.pdf If you have any questions or concerns – please contact Cadillac at: ak@millcitymusic.com

Lot A Resolution / Task Force Update

At the following link please find a letter to the Mayor and Chair of the City Council Community Development Committee that describes the work done in our task force and the resolution passed by the West Bank Community Coalition, West Bank Business Association and the West Bank Community Development Corporation.  http://www.wbba.thewestbank.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Lot-A-Task-Force-Letter.pdf

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Stay safe and warm.



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