Notes + Opportunities


Thanks for a great meeting yesterday!


Bike Rack Opportunity
We have the opportunity to place some meter-bike-racks along Cedar. The total cost of the bike racks are $100, but the city is helping to pay for half! The WBBA is willing to match any business contribution of $25 towards a bike rack to cover the other half. (So: City $50 + WBBA $25 + $25…You?) We think that doing every-other meter along Cedar would be great, and if you are interested in sponsoring a bike rack (or two or three), please let me know ASAP. They are available on a first-come, first served basis – and we want to make sure plenty come to the West Bank!

((I have confirmed that this is on Cedar – if/when Cedar sidewalks are redone, the racks will still be able to be used.))

Coupon – Reminder – get your coupon in!
I’d love to see every West Bank Business participating in this program so that we have a really awesome loyalty card that people will be excited to use! You can submit your coupon information online easily using this simple form. If you’re having trouble thinking of ideas or how to word your discount, I can help you! Just call me or email (612)326-9652 or

Yesterday a great idea was proposed for this project. (Thanks Damon!) To encourage people to use the card in more than one place, we’re going to do a drawing. If somebody returns the card at the end of the year with a specified number of punches, we’ll enter them into a drawing to receive a $50 gift certificate towards any West Bank Business also participating in the program. The West Bank Business Association will cover that cost as part putting the coupon together. If any other business is interested in donating a gift certificate or item that could also be used in the drawing as additional incentive, please let me know.

That’s all the updates I have for you for now. Have a fantastic weekend!


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