Reminder – Member Meeting Today

Hi Everyone,

As many of you already know, we will not be having a vote today regarding the new bylaws. Some further revisions were made at our membership committee meeting on September 12; as such, per our current bylaws we need to have a 1 month period from the presentation of the bylaws to the voting on them. I am hopeful they can be passed in our October meeting. Hard copies of the bylaws will be available at the meeting, and I’m attaching digital versions here, (PDF and .doc both are the same).

See you at 4,

Todd Smith

September – Meeting


Sept 19, 2013

Oren Gateway Center, Augsburg College


Agenda – Member Meeting

4:00pm – Call to order

I. Adjustments to Agenda (1 min)

II. Review Goals / successes from 2013 (10-15 mins)

III. Goals for 2014 and invitation for feedback (5-10 mins)

(2014 will be the focus of the October meeting.)

IV. Recap committee meetings / upcoming schedule (5 mins)

V. Adjourn


Agenda – Board Meeting

4:30 pm – Call to Order

I. Welcome/Introductions (1 min)

II. Approve August Minutes (1 min)

III. By-Laws Review / Note (5 min)

IV. Officer Nominations / Discussion (5 min)

V. Establish Board Meeting Schedule (5 min)

VI. Financial Review / Executive Session (8 min)

VII. Old Business (2 min)

VIII. New Business (2 min)

IX. Adjourn 5:00pm


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