Reminder – Monthly member meeting Thursday June 20, 2013


A friendly reminder that our monthly member meeting is this week

Thursday June 20 at 4pm.
We’ll be meeting at Augsburg, in the Oren Gateway Center.

The agenda is below. The majority of this month’s meeting will

again be focused on member services and updating our bylaws,
and we hope all delegates and members will attend.
You can download minutes and the agenda from the May
meeting here:
See you on Thursday.


June – Monthly Member Meeting

4:00pm Thursday June 20 2013 –
Oren Gateway Center, Augsburg College


4pm – Call to order
I. Welcome/Introductions (5 mins)

II. Business (5 mins)
– Approve May minutes
III. Committee Updates (10 mins)
– Membership Recognition & Outreach
– Festival Planning
– Parking
– Membership & The WBBA – ways to get involved
IV. Membership, Bylaws, and Board Structure (20-25 minutes)

  1. Bylaws Review & Updates

V. New Business (5 mins)VI. Update from Cam Gordon’s Office (5 mins)
VII. Review/Recap (5 mins)

4:55pm – Adjourn

Upcoming WBBA Meetings

• July 11, 2013 – Member Recognition @Mapps – 9:00am
• July 11, 2013 – Festival Planning (@Whiskey) – 5:00pm

• Next Member Meeting: 4:00pm Thursday July 18, 2013

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