Reminder – WBBA Annual Planning meeting – This Thursday!

Hello West Bank friends,

A reminder that the WBBA’s annual meeting and planning session is this THURSDAY September 3, 3pm-5pm at Augsburg’s Oren Gateway. We’ll begin the meeting promptly at 3pm, and an agenda is below.

Looking forward to seeing most of you there!



We encourage you to do a little googling or refer to your memory about other districts and neighborhood you’ve been impressed by and have enjoyed. What did you notice about them?

Some helpful resources to look at in preparation for Thursday’s conversation.
Other area business nodes / Business Associations / community groups:

WBBA resources:

Our Websites



Thursday September 18, 3pm-5pm –

    We will begin promptly at 3pm. 



– Recap Agenda (2-5 minutes)
Introductions / motivations (15 minutes) What brings you to the West Bank?

– What are things we see in the other neighborhoods we value? (5 mins)

– What’s missing on the West Bank? (5 mins)

– What orgs are responsible for the above? (Any gaps? 5 mins)


Business priorities:

– Briefly review summary of feedback from priorities survey (3-5 mins)

– Anything missing? (5 mins)


Presentation / recap

– Summary of 2014 priorities progress (5 mins)

– Summary of our resources (5 mins)


Led discussion

– How does the WBBA fit into the big picture for the neighborhood? (5 mins)

– What among our service offerings to do not align with business needs? (5 mins)

– Are there gaps in the above that are not being served? (5 mins)

– How does this align with our mission? (5 mins)


Last exercise of the day – visioning: (10 minutes total, 2-3 mins each)

– When I see the WBBA in five years, I see ____ staff members, _____ programs, and a _____ board.

– When I think “West Bank Businesses” in five years, I hope to see ______ restaurants, ______ ownership, and ______ guests.

– When I see the West Bank in five years I see _____ streets, _____ businesses, ______ traffic, and a _____ neighborhood.


Board nominations

– Review current list. (Who is on a 1 year term?) (3-5 mins)

– Accept nominations. (3-5 mins)

– If we have quorum, proceed to vote (5 mins)

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