The following correspondence was sent to the WBBA delegates. There will be a meeting of delegates at 4pm on Thursday the 19th. This meeting will be open to members. The member meeting will immediately follow.
Hi Everybody,
Thank you everyone for your contributions on the bylaws over the last few months.
There will be 2 more opportunities for discussion before we vote:
- Thur Sept 12, 9a Mapps Coffee / Membership Committee Meeting
- Thur Sept 19, 4p Oren Gateway Augsburg / Board of Directors Meeting.
Here is the most recent version of proposed bylaws http://www.wbba.thewestbank. org/wp-content/uploads/2013/ 09/WBBA-Amended-and-Restated- Bylaws-v3-edited-080613-1-4. pdf
At the meeting on the 19th we will vote so please be present. If it is impossible for you to attend, please submit your vote (Yes, No, Abstain) to me by the day before (9/18). Below is the agenda. This meeting will be a meeting for the current ‘delegates.’ The monthly member meeting will immediately follow at 4:30.
Best ever,
Todd Smith
Nomad World Pub
501 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55454
September – Board of Directors Meeting
Sept 19, 2013
Oren Gateway Center, Augsburg College
Agenda – Board Meeting
4pm – Call to Order
I. Welcome/Introductions (1 min)
II. Adjustments to Agenda (1 min)
III. Approve August Minutes (1 min)
IV. By-Laws Review / Vote (5 min)
V. Officer Nominations / Discussion (5 min)
VI. Establish Board Meeting Schedule (5 min)
VII. Financial Review / Executive Session (8 min)
VIII. Old Business (2 min)
IX. New Business (2 min)
X. Adjourn 4:30pm
Agenda – Member Meeting
4:30pm – Call to order
I. Review Goals / successes from 2013 (10-15 mins)
II. Goals for 2014 and invitation for feedback (5-10 mins)
(2014 will be the focus of the October meeting.)
III. Recap committee meetings / upcoming schedule (5 mins)
IV. Adjourn