WBBA Update – Reminder – Member Meeting on Thursday


A quick reminder that our first monthly member meeting of the year is this coming Thursday.

Let’s get the year off to a great start!

We’ll be meeting at Augsburg, but in the Riverside Room in the Christensen Center. (Location B)

If you’re not able to join us for the meeting, please take a moment to let us know what your interests are for our 2013 moving forward. Your time is valuable, and we want to make sure you’re getting the most out of member meetings. To make the most of our time together we’ll be focusing on a variety of topics throughout the year, from Social Media to Budgets and Finance. Please let us know what topics are important to you and what you’re most interested in hearing about.

You can take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SNDP26M. The survey should take about 5 minutes or less to complete.

The meeting agenda is below.

See you in a few days!


January – Monthly member Meeting

4:00pm Thursday January 17 2013  –
Riverside Room in the Christensen Center


4pm – Call to order

I. Welcome/Introductions (10 mins)

II. Business (5 mins)
- Approve November minutes

III. Committee Updates (15-20 mins)
– Member Recognition & Outreach

– Festival Planning

– West Bank Ride / Cycling Event Committee

– Safety Committee
– Lot A Vision & Planning

– West Bank Improvement District

IV. 2013 Planning (10 mins)

Making the most of our member meetings in 2013.

V. Update from Cam Gordon’s Office (5 mins)

VI. Review/Recap (5 mins)

5:45pm – Adjourn

Next Meeting: 4:00pm Thursday February 21, 2013

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