April member meeting next week!


Happy Spring!

Just a reminder that we have a member meeting coming up – Thursday April 19, 2012, 4:00pm at Augsburg’s Oren Gateway Center.

Our guests will be Alatus – who will be presenting some information related to the development at the old Grandma’s Saloon property. (Please see a related article here: (Alatus and partners renew interest in former Grandma’s Saloon site.)

A copy of the agenda is below. I hope to see all of you there!



West Bank Business Association – Member Meeting
4:00pm Thursday April 19, 2012
Augsburg Oren Gateway Center


Call to order – 4pm

I. Welcome/Introductions (5 mins)
II. Business (5 mins)
    – Approve March minutes
III. Alatus Presentation (20 mins)
IV. WBBA Member Meeting Schedule for 2012 (10 mins)
V. BID Updates (10 minutes)
VI. Networking/ meet with board and director. (10 mins)

5pm – Adjourn

Next Meeting
4:00pm Thursday May 17, 2012
@Augsburg Oren Gateway Center


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