Board Minutes from Feb 28th meeting

West Bank Business Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Oren Gateway Building Augsburg College

Thur Feb 20, 2014 3p




1. Call to order

Start 3:18p

Present: Russom, Michelle, Anna, Damon, David, Euince, Rod, amano, Jeff, Susannah, Jim


Excused: Mark, Cadillac


Not Excused: Phillip, Sharon, Glenn, Todd, Lynn, Mary


2. Adjustment to agenda


3. Pass Board Minutes from 1/16.

Motion 1st: Eunice

2nd: Anna

Pass: Unanimous


4. Membership Renewal.

Info has been sent out to all local businesses. Memberships due by 4/14. We have already received some memberships.


5. Financial Review

Discussion on timeliness and mini-updates

LISC grant receipt means cash flow has improved

Line of Credit is getting paid down according to plan.


5a. Fiscal Sponsor for Carla and Safety for an equipment grant.

Motion 1st: Damon – pay full amount out to purchase translation equipment for safety center with payback through a grant they have received

2nd: Eunice
Pass: unanimous


5b. % of member dues for fund for grocery displacement and rebuilding

Discussion of using 10% of member dues to support, act as fiscal agent, possibility of including slips in our member letters asking for support. Discussion of donation while still operating with debt.


6. ED Report (questions only)

This report will be emailed out to the board by Tue 2/18. Please review it prior to attending the meeting, Jamie will only answer questions and clarifications from the report.


Discussion on loyalty card program and its extension

ACTION: put together list of every committee with current participants

Discussion of festival committee


7. Council Member Abdi Warsame meet and greet.

Introduction, questions, Council member passed out info on his office and upcoming meetings.


ACTION: Damon include all upcoming meetings for next month in agenda

ACTION: Damon look up in by-laws # of meetings that can be missed and address in Mar meeting.


8. Old Business


9. New Business

Discussion on cedar ave lane changes

Past WBBA meetings have approved city’s plan for a 4 to 3 lane conversion (also approved by CDC and WBCC)

Mar board meeting with be a Board Training

West Bank Arts Foundry meeting coming up:

Irrigate expanding into Minneapolis. Great opportunity to partner with artists:

Sisterhood of the traveling scarf opened Feb 28th Press info:


10. Meeting adjourned

Motion 1st: David

2nd Eunice

End 4:07p


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