Board of Directors May Minutes

West Bank Business Association

Board of Directors Meeting
Thur May 15
Oren Gateway Building, Augsburg College


  1. Call to order
    Present: Susannah, Anna, Glenn, Jim, Jeff, David, Eunice, Damon, Todd (L), Cadillac (L), Hussien (WBCC rep)

    Excused: Dan, Russom, Phillip, Mark, Amano

    Unexcused: Rod, Sharon, Lynn, Mary

  2. Approve Minutes from Apr Meeting
    1st: Eunice
    2nd: Jeff
    Y: 9
    N: 0
    A: 1
  3. Finance Update
    Optimistic. Good start to the year. LISC money received early May and so $5,000 put directly to line of credit balance. Received $10,000 grant for graffiti removal and clean up program.
  4. E.D. Report Questions
    LRT opening June 14
    5 – 10 groups have signed up to participate on the stage: WE NEED MORE
    WBBA has been invited to submit list of dignitaries to ride the first train
    10a – 4p will be the official celebration on June 14
    May 19th is deadline for getting performers and participating groups in so email Jamie if you want your business to participate.

    Received grant to clean and rove graffiti, will happen 4 times a year.
    First event is May 30 at 2p starting in Edna’s Park
    20 volunteers are estimated we will always welcome more!

    Info on Member seminar on May 29th:
    John Capecci, PhD will be leading an informal and interactive discussion on telling your organizations story, sometimes known as the “elevator speech.”  We will be meeting in the Marshall classroom in the Christensen Student Center at Augsburg (right across from Murphy Park near the Oren Gateway Center).  John is a communications Guru, educator, and co-author of “Living Proof: Telling Your Stories to Make a Difference.”

    Turtle King got a grant to do a workshop on creativity @ Brian Coyle part of the irrigate program.

    We will receive great streets funding which will allow us to hire a community outreach coordinator.

  5. Old / New Business
    Translation equipment can now be purchased that cash flow is in place. This is from a vote by the board to support the Safety Center as they don’t have a budget so we acted as fiscal sponsor. It is a reimbursement grant.

    Jamie attended meeting on the new regulations around packaging and alcohol sales (the 60/40 split rule). Discussion.

    Motion: WBBA approves removing liquor licensing from the charter and moving it into an ordinance to be managed by City Council.
    1st: Cadillac
    2nd: Eunice
    Y: 10
    N: 0
    A: 0

  6. Meeting Adjourn 3:55p
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