Minutes from the Meeting of the Board of Directors on Dec 19th
West Bank Business Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Dec 19th, 2013
Courtyard Marriott
1500 Washington Ave S
1. Call to order
Present (in order of arrival)
Damon Runnals
Jeff Radich
Rod Johnson
Sharon Johnson
David Markle
Anna Lohase
Phil Kelley
Susannah Johnson
Mark Johnson
Todd Smith
Michelle Kwan – late (quorom met)
Jim White – late
Lynn Johnson – late
Mary Mellon – late
Cadillac Kolstad – late
Not in attendance (unexcused)
Amano Dube
Glenn Follard
Eunice Eckerly
Dan Prozinski
Not in attendance (excused)
Russom Soloman
Scott Artley
Called to order 3:08pm
2. Adjustment to agenda
Susannah noted that motions are proposals and that all motions must be made in meetings by a board member with quorum present.
3. Pass Board Minutes from 11/21.
Reviewed by group, minutes not passed, will need passing at Jan meeting
4. 2014 Budget and 2013 financial review
a. Motion from Finance committee regarding budget
Reviewed by group during discussion on 4a and 4b
1st Jeff Radich
2nd Mark Johnson
Yes 11
No 0
Abstain 0
Motion by Rod Johnson Jamie’s salary contingent on her raising enough money to cover it:
Rescinded by Rod after discussion that Jamie has raised enough to cover her salary through grants for 2014.
b. Motion to prevent future line of credit unsecured debt:
“Whereas the purpose of opening a line of credit was to provide gap financing for reimbursable loans, we move that unless Board Approval is granted, The WBBA shall only use the line of credit with the approval from treasurer for items, such as grants, that will be reimbursed.
1st Jeff Radich
2nd Mark Johnson
Yes 15
No 0
Abstain 0
Noted that motions are proposed and can be adjustable in the meeting.
c. Motion for board oversight over program and committee budgets:
“Whereas the WBBA is in debt due to program budget shortfalls, we move that the board and the finance committee shall review program budgets at appropriate intervals. If enough income has not been generated to safely carry out an event, the board should reduce expenses accordingly or, if not possible, terminate the event.”
1st Jeff Radich
2nd Todd Smith
Yes 15
No 0
Abstain 0
5. Grants
LISC – Local Initiative Support Consortium
$40k for Arts in Business program and Business Plan development
Discussion on the LISC Grant and it’s uses
Working on 5 year business plan as part of our priorities with LISC grant
McKnight Grant
$15k to WBBA, Lake Street Council and West Broadway Business and Area coalition for BID
Jamie will talk to the McKnight officer to see how we could accept funding even if the BID is not a priority of 2014
Discussion on McKnight money and what to do with it and how to preserve the relationship with McKnight.
6. Business Improvement District
Motion: “Whereas the BID is a contentious issue that has divided the board in 2013 and, whereas the commercial property owners have demonstrated enough support to veto the BID if the City Council should pass a BID resolution, and whereas the BID is not a priority for the business association at this time, therefore no action in furtherance of establishment of the BID may be taken by any Member, Director or by the executive director without an affirmative vote of the Board of Directors.”
1st Rod Johnson
2nd David Markle
Discussion on McKnight grant and wording of motion Rod’s motion
McKnight Grant language read by Susannah after question by Cadillac about whether the grant is for advocacy or information and research. Purpose of grant reads for advocacy and implementation.
Motion to table Rod’s motion.
1st Lynn
2nd Mark
Yes 8
No 5
Abstain 1
7. Board practices and policies
Tabled by chair for Jan meeting due to time.
8. 2014 Board Goals
– Committee work and goal setting for 2014 (when committees convene in 2014, they should set their goals for 2014 and those goals should be approved by the board at a future meeting)
-5-year business plan (LISC grant)- What is our business plan? (intro only, discussion at a later board meeting)
Tabled by chair for Jan meeting due to time.
Vote to tabled item 7 & 8
Mark 2nd
Yes 15
9. Meeting adjourned at 4:05 pm
10. Member party immediately to follow