Although upcoming committee meeting dates are published and shared regularly, and usually committee meeting reminders are sent to committee members only (who needs more email, right?), we wanted to make sure that the full membership had the a special reminder that the Membership Outreach & Engagement Committee will meet this Thursday, July 11th at 9am at Mapps. The major agenda item is discussing the proposed bylaws changes, which will be up for a vote at the full monthly Member meeting the following week.
I’m sorry this message didn’t go out sooner–Jamie is now on maternity leave and I (Scott) am trying to fill in some of her duties while she’s away, including meeting reminders.
At our last meeting, we mentioned bylaws would be under review by a legal firm. We’ve received a suggested version of updated bylaws, which can be found here: (this is the same version circulated at June’s Member meeting). We encourage everyone who is able to attend this caffeine-and-goodwill-fueled discussion of the new WBBA governance structure and provide feedback about the bylaws in preparation for a vote by the full Delegate Board on Thursday, July 18th. If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute, please send ME an email directly ( with your feedback and I will add it to the discussion.
Thursday, July 11th – Membership Committee review and discussion for revisions (9am at Mapps)
Monday, July 15th – Final draft circulated to Members via email; Email to Delegate Board asking for attendance at Thursday’s meeting or remote vote via email
Thursday, July 18th – Vote on final draft at the monthly Member meeting (4pm at Augsburg Gateway Center)
Scott Artley
Communications & Programs Specialist
Upcoming WBBA Meetings
July 11, 2013 – Membership Outreach & Engagement Committee @Mapps – 9:00am
July 11, 2013 – Festival Planning Committee @ Whiskey Junction – 5:00pm
July 18, 2013 – WBBA Member Meeting @ Augsburg College Gateway Center – 4:00pm