WBBA Forum on Bylaws – Wed July 31, 6-7pm


The West Bank Business Association’s Executive Committee is calling a special public forum of the WBBA membership to discuss changes to our by-laws. Over the last 3 months there have been multiple drafts reviewed and we wanted to have a specific meeting dedicated to getting feedback and input.

Wednesay, July 31st
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Augsburg Oren Gateway Center – Room 100
(this is the same space in which the WBBA holds its monthly Member meetings)
Map below

Our objective for this meeting is to solicit solutions to the following challenge: …

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FREE promotional opportunity for the Minnesota Fringe Festival – reply by Mon July 29th!

Hello West Bank Businesses!

As you might know, the Minnesota Fringe Festival is an annual event taking place throughout Minneapolis, and we’ve always benefited from having so many people enjoying the many entertainment venues on the West Bank. Below is an opportunity about offering a discount to Fringe patrons who show you their festival admission button, please connect with the Fringe Festival staff directly to take advantage of this free promotional opportunity open to ANY kind of business.




As you may know, Minnesota …

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WBBA July Member Meeting canceled


If you haven’t heard yet, we’re proud to announce that our Executive Director Jamie Schumacher has a new addition to the family – Madeline Anne Johnson – born Saturday July 6, 1:27pm. 7lbs, 10oz, 21 inches (if you’ve met her husband Nick, you’ll know this kid gets her height from her dad!).

Because Jamie is on leave for a few weeks, the Executive Committee has decided to cancel July’s monthly Member/Delegate Meeting next week (Thursday, July 18, 2013 at Augsburg).

In the meantime, enjoy the summer and …

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WBBA Membership Committee meeting – this Thurs 7/11 at 9am at Mapps


Although upcoming committee meeting dates are published and shared regularly, and usually committee meeting reminders are sent to committee members only (who needs more email, right?), we wanted to make sure that the full membership had the a special reminder that the Membership Outreach & Engagement Committee will meet this Thursday, July 11th at 9am at Mapps. The major agenda item is discussing the proposed bylaws changes, which will be up for a vote at the full monthly Member meeting the following week.

I’m sorry this …

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