Hello West Bank Businesses!
As you might know, the Minnesota Fringe Festival is an annual event taking place throughout Minneapolis, and we’ve always benefited from having so many people enjoying the many entertainment venues on the West Bank. Below is an opportunity about offering a discount to Fringe patrons who show you their festival admission button, please connect with the Fringe Festival staff directly to take advantage of this free promotional opportunity open to ANY kind of business.
As you may know, Minnesota Fringe Festival is happening in your neighborhood between August 1 and 11. We’re an annual theater and dance festival, and we’re expecting nearly 50,000 people to join us over our 11 days. We’ll have eleven shows each at seven theaters in your area:
Mixed Blood Theatre, 1501 S 4th St
Playwrights’ Center, 2301 E Franklin Av
Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Av S
Theatre in the Round Players, 245 Cedar Av
U of M Rarig Center (3 theaters), 330 21st Av S, Main Floor
One of the unique parts of Fringe is that the Fringe experience almost always includes a social gathering either before or after performances. We’re approaching neighborhood bars and restaurants to see if they’d be interesting in offering discounts to our audiences as a way to attract business.
Here’s how it works – each of our audience members wears a Fringe button. In the past, many businesses have offered a special discount during the festival to people who are wearing this button. It can be anything you want- 2-for-1 drinks, or discounts on appetizers, or a certain percent off the tab.
There’s no cost to your members to participate and we’ll provide listings on our website of suggested places for pre- or post-show gatherings.
If you’re interested, just send an email to button@fringefestival.org. And if you’re interested in other paid promotions with the Fringe, drop us a line at that same email!
Thanks, and please let us know if you have any questions.