One night, two opportunities to engage and have an impact

Don’t Pass Us By

The Central Corridor Light Rail Transit station on Cedar Avenue and trains to St. Paul will be open and running sometime next year. Light rail transit stations in other parts of the country have led to a decline in the number of immigrant and minority-owned businesses. The higher rents and increased competition that often come with light rail can make it difficult for existing businesses to stay open. This does not have to happen in Cedar Riverside. We need a community plan to preserve the cultural and economic diversity of the neighborhood. We must work together to make this happen.

Find out more at
and join us for a meeting on
March 14, 2013 at 5:30
In the Coyle Center Library.

Lot A Task Force

The City of Minneapolis hopes to promote new development around the new light rail station being built on Cedar Avenue. This can be a good thing but the first site they hope to develop is the parking lot behind the Red Sea Restaurant. The whole business community depends on the affordable parking now available on that site. The Lot A Task Force is a collaboration including the West Bank Community Coalition, the West Bank Business Association and the West Bank Community Development Corporation. We are working together to produce a unified neighborhood position to present to the City. Come to West Bank Community Coalition Land Use Committee to hear more about the parking lot and what we can do as a community to protect our businesses.

To view a one-page summary about this, please click here (pdf).

A full report of our study, including links to various resources such as the Cedar Riverside Small Area Plan and the West Bank Parking study, can be found at: (pdf).

Please join us for the Land Use Committee Meeting:

March 14, 2013 at 6:30 pm
In the Coyle Center Library

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